Honey Amla 500gms

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Juicy pieces of Amla soaked in pure raw Honey,

It’s a delectable embrace between the sweet and sour

Savor a spoonful every day

As a delicious way to boost your health

A sweet, sour and juicy accompaniment, Isha Life’s Honey Amla is a potent combination of taste and health. Made with cut pieces of naturally sourced amla soaked in pure unprocessed honey for 45 days, it builds immunity and helps you be full of energy.

With no added Sugar or Jaggery, it is Honey in its most naturally edible form that stays good for upto 18 months. 

More info: https://www.ishalife.com/in/honey-amla-500gm-pure-and-unprocessed-no-added-sugar-or-jaggery-preservative-free

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